22.03 "DOWNTOWN ROCKERS" NL & Toffo Selecta @ GiĆ¹ al nord 22.03 FRESH HIP HOP MOVEMENT @ N.Gorica (SLO)
23.03 NL @ Udine DANCEHALL meet REAL HIP HOP / "Father's Day party" celebrating PapĆ Deso NL & Fresh Hip Hop Movement (SLO)
APRIL 19.04 "Downtown Rockers" Open Air Edition R.Esistence in dub (live) + NL set 26.04 NL in Vienna again!!!
03.05 "Downtown Rockers" @ GiĆ¹ al nord
25.05 "Downtown Rockers" @ GiĆ¹ al nord
01.06 "14 years of dancehalls" with STONE LOVE from JAM!!! @ ZIONGATE Reggae Summer C/O Homepage Festival - Parco del Cormor from 7 pm to 1.30 am FREE ENTRY!!!! 22.06 ZIONGATE Reggae Summer @ Parco del Cormor
27.06 NL @ GiĆ¹ al nord - owntown Rockers
09.07 @ BOOM BABYLON KURSAAL Club Lignano 12.07 @ "Reggae Back in Town" with WARRIOR KING (JAM) live!!! - Homepage festival - Parco del cormor
13.07 @ "Reggae Back in Town" with TURBULENCE (JAM) live!!! - Homepage festival - Parco del cormor
30.07 @ BOOM BABYLON KURSAAL Club Lignano
13.08 @ BOOM BABYLON KURSAAL Club Lignano- Boom da Bash Live! + NL & G - SPOT from Austria - "Seaside sound system link up!!!
Founded in 1999, Northern Lights sound was created by Skunky D & Terry B as the natural outcome of their love for playing music. From the early beginnings to the last goals, this sound has been a truly inspiration for many people whom loved reggae music. Back in the early 2000 Northern Lights (Terry B and Skunky D with Sista Hardcore Michelle, the veteran Dj Panzselecta and Mr B the operator) made its debut as the only reggae sound in the italian North East area, at "Baraonda Discofrasca" (a legendary venue for the reggae sound system culture in FVG)
In the late 2k6 summer two new members joined the crew, Dj Deso and Ed Benga. They were already active members of "Far East Connection" , the big reggae family founded by Skunky D in 2003. (www.fareastconnection.it/yard is the most popular dancehall forum in Italy).